The second week of our Hokkaido Detour went off with bang. No gigantic snow falls, but we still found pow almost every day, bar one (which led us to a fun park and groomer session in Tomamu instead).
While basing ourselves out of Furano, we scored Asahidake with blue sky (rare in January) and 20ms of slightly wind-affected powder. A super-fun day was had by all with a glorious onsen to heel the aching muscles afterwards.
We also found great little powder stashes in Furano before heading to Sapporo and hitting Teine (a personal favourite of Brian and Keith’s), again scoring blue skies and a nice layer of fresh.
Overall it was a great second week with a solid group of people (including two returners from our inaugural trip a few years back), great visibility and fresh aplenty. Enjoy the pics…

Returning “Detourees” Dan and Quinton looking stoked at their lines

Asahidake looking steamy – photo by Simon Goddard

Simon enjoying fresh lines

Martin pulling a powder wheely with skiers in tow

Keith throwing a cheeky method

Dan at Sapporo Teine

Martin slashing a tricky lip at Teine

Tristan hanging out with the icy trees

Brian enjoying the view from Sapporo Teine